Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer To Do List

I am a compulsive list maker. I admit it I have a problem!! I still think about the fact that on my "to do" list before Kate was born so many things didn't get done because she came early. I get such satisfaction out of marking things off my list. That being said I have a list of things that I want to get done this summer. Here they are in no particular order...
1. The first and foremost thing is POTTY TRAINING. If you have been reading the blog for long you will remember that was also on last summer's list. Yep in July we will hit the 1 year mark at this wonderful potty training adventure. I think I might possibly lose my mind over this. I really don't think there is anything harder in the world than training a strong willed 3 year old boy who has no interest in the potty how to go to the potty. We have literally tried everything "in the book" - rewards (no interest - he says he has everything and needs nothing), punishment (he now has all of his toys put up and is not allowed to watch TV). Nothing is working. We are almost there but still have a little ways to go. The next 2 weeks I have devoted to nothing but this. Today I thought I was going to kill the little guy but we made it through. And I WILL win!!! The above picture is what our bathroom looks like right now. We literally spend hours in there each day!

2. I want to "redo" my bedroom and bathroom. Not change too much but I do want to hang some new pictures and remove my old dresser. This will mean I need to change up some things in the room. I am excited to rearrange and try out some new things.
3. Swimming!! We will be spending most of our days at the pool this summer I am sure! So exciting!! Ben is going to take swimming lessons this summer as well. He really has no fear in the water so we hope that he can easily learn some basics.
4. This is our guest bedroom. Or as I like to call it the "I don't know what to do with this so I will just throw it in there" room. Over the last few months everything that doesn't have a home has just gotten thrown in there. I want to clean it out and make it usable again.

5. Work on Kate's baby book. Poor girl not a word has been written in it! I have done so good keeping up with the blog that it won't be too hard to just transfer it but I do need to do it and soon! I also want to work on turning the blog into a book as well!

6. I am almost embarrassed to post this picture. These are my baseboards. They are awful!!! We got our wood floors replaced a couple of years ago and the quarter molding was never repainted. The baseboards don't match the molding and they are soooooo dirty. I am going to take a room at a time and clean and repaint the baseboards!

7. This is my lovely portfolio that I have to keep in order to keep my Registered Dietitian status. I have to keep up with all my continuing education hours. I have not done anything with it in the last year. Since my registration is up next year I better get working on updating and doing some CEs!!

8. Lastly and most importantly we will be having LOTS OF FUN!!!! We are looking forward to playing outside, VBS, playdates and all sorts of other fun activities this summer. It is going to be awesome! This will actually be what we do most of the time. The rest of the stuff is just extra if I get around to it. Anyone think I can actually get it all done?????
Happy Summer!!!!!


  1. Can you get it all done? I say YES!!! But put "fun" as #1 on the list and remember that the harder you push potty training, the more he will resist. I bet it will just happen when you aren't looking. :) I too am a list maker. But I often forget where I put the list. . .

  2. Yet another list maker here. :) Sounds like a fun summer! It will be over before you know it.

  3. I agree to put fun as #1 on the list! Looks like you have lots of great things on your list though! I love my lists too, I have several things I need to mark off my list now that we have finished a few things! I love that feeling!!!!

  4. I had a friend who had to do the whole take every toy away and no TV to get her little guy to use the potty. But it sounds like Ben is even more strong willed:o) We had a really hard time with Claire also. She loved to swim so we wouldn't let her swim until she would use the potty regularly. That seemed to do the trick with her. Maybe that would work with Ben since he loves to swim so much. I agree...potty training is so stressful!
