Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

What a wonderful Mother's Day it has been already. It started out great with an awesome breakfast in bed made by my wonderful husband and Ben. Then we got to have Kate's baby dedication at church. Finally, all our family came back to our house for lunch. Such a fun day.

I am truly blessed. I have the best mom in the whole world. She has taught me so much about what it means to be a mom that seeks to raise her kids in a way that brings glory and honor to Christ. I am also blessed to have a wonderful mother-in-law that raised a wonderful man that I call my husband. And finally I am so blessed to be the mother of the 2 best kids in the world. I consider it my highest calling in this life. Each day I seek to be the mom that God wants me to be. What a wonderful blessing.

Here is my breakfast tray this morning. Matt made the best homemade blueberry muffins with strudel topping. They are so yummy (they don't look to pretty but they tasted great - I need to teach him the difference between tablespoon and teaspoon). The roses are from our garden.

Here I am opening my presents from Ben. He got me Batman PJs (what else would a mom want???) and a cheese bagel (gift card to Panera). Yep that is what he wanted to get me and I love it!!!!
Me and my sweet kids in bed. Excuse how rough I look. Matt let me sleep in!

Matt and his brother with their mom

My mom and sister-in-law

It has been wonderful. Check back later in the week for more pictures from Kate's dedication.

1 comment:

  1. I am cracking up over the batman pjs! How sweet and from the heart is that though??? Too cute!! Your breakfast looks pretty yummy too! Glad you had a great day! Can't wait to see pictures from Kate's dedication!
