Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandaddy!!!

Just wanted to wish my dad a very happy 55th birthday today!! Ben has been all excited all day since I told him it was Grandaddy's birthday. He called him at work and told him happy birthday. My parents came over for dinner tonight and Matt grilled out some great burgers and chicken. We celebrated with some cupcakes. Fun times!! My dad's birthday usually gets lost in Mother's Day so I am glad we were able to celebrate a little tonight.

My dad is awesome. He is the best dad in the whole world. He would do anything in the world for me and I know it!! : ) It has been amazing to watch him the last 3 years as he became a grandfather. He is the best grandfather ever. Ben adores him. They really are best buddies. He was made to be a grandfather!!!

Happy Birthday Dad! I love you.

Our little party!

Grandaddy and his 2 grandkids! Similar to this picture from 25 years ago. Look at those glasses!

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