Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kate's Baby Dedication - Sunday May 9, 2010

We celebrated Kate's baby dedication on Sunday. It was a wonderfully special time. Baby dedication is a time to come before the Lord and say we as parent's can't do this on our own. We have to have Your help. This does not save our child but it does say that we as parents are going to do everything in our power with God's help to lead them to the Lord. Aunt Joanna wrote Kate a card that I thought was super sweet she said "This day is very special but we are looking forward to the most special day when you accept Jesus as your Savior." I think that sums up the day perfectly.

Everything went great. There aren't many special days in our lives so I desire to make days like this special for my children. I probably go a little overboard but I want everything that goes to reflect was a great day it is. The service was so nice. They introduce the family and put a picture of the baby on the big screen. There is then a time of commitment and prayer led by the pastor. Ben and Kate did great during their "big moment." We were a little nervous. After church we came back to our house for lunch with our families. It was a great time to be together!

The invitation

Getting ready to go up front

Being introduced. Ben was so cute. Matt was holding him during the dedication time and he was repeating back what the pastor was saying. So Kate was dedicated by her parents and big brother! I know he is going to be a great influence on her so it was only fitting.

Back to our house for some fun! A great family picture! Kate's whole outfit was special and given to us by different people. Uncle Andrew and Aunt Kelly gave her the beautiful yellow dress. My Uncle Randall and Aunt Amanda gave her the bib she wore. Our friends the Newbys gave her the shoes. So it was a special outfit given to her in love!
Yummy food!
I put up pictures of Kate around the kitchen and dinning areas as the decorations

The church gives the babies Bibles as a gift. Uncle Brett and Aunt Joanna gave her a beautiful cross necklace.
Strawberry cake for dessert. It doesn't get any better!

Mema & Opa with Kate

Uncle Brett & Aunt Joanna

Aunt Kelly
Granna & Grandaddy


  1. What a special day! You sure know how to throw a party!

  2. wow! You went all out! What a special day!!!!!

  3. Looks like it was a very special day! I thought about you guys while I watched the dedication at 9:30. She looked beautiful!!
