Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Puggles Award Night

As if Sunday wasn't busy enough, Ben had is Puggles award ceremony in the evening. They had the nicest little program for their "graduation" from Puggles. The room was decorated really cute. All the Puggles sang songs for us and then they received their certificate of completion. Such a special time. It was the first of many little programs Ben will be in I am sure but it was so cool because it was the first. Ben has loved Puggles this year. He has learned so many wonderful concepts about who God is and what He has done for us. Next year he moves up to Cubbies!!

Here they are singing some songs.
Ben getting his certificate
He was so proud! (sorry you are in the background Kim)!
Enjoying the reception food. It was like the picked all Ben's favorites. They had goldfish, Zaxbys, yellow cheese, fruit and cupcakes.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't had time for blog reading lately, so I just read your last 6 posts! So many great photos and stories :). We might try Gabe in AWANAs next year, he's in choir and Mission Friends this year and likes them both. Have a great week! ~Jess
