Wednesday, June 16, 2010

7 Months!!!!

I am in denial that it is already time to write Miss Kate's 7 month post. I can't believe it. I have started a couple of times today but just can't do it. She is not already 7 months old. Time is flying! I want it to slow down. Right now is such a fun time and I just want to savor every minute of it! I need to get started planning that first birthday because it is going to be here before we know it. Here is what is up with Kate at 7 months...
  • You continue to be the sweetest thing ever! Such a sweet and laid back little girl. Although as of late you have started to show a little temper when things don't go your way. You also get bored easily so you will cry quickly if you are not being entertained to your liking!
  • You love to play with toys. You pick up everything in sight and chew on it. You are sitting up like a champ. You can do the "inch worm" crawl. Not off the ground but you can get where you want to go. You have made it across the entire living room rug.
  • You are finally starting to put on some weight! I have noticed just in the last week or so that you look more filled out and today you weighed 15 pounds 2 oz. You gained 2 oz more than your usual 1 pound this month! YEA!!! You are wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. Your foot has finally grown some. Newborn shoes don't fit any more but you are still not in size 0 yet. You are just so petite. That is the first thing everyone says when they look at you (well after they comment on your hair). Speaking of hair. It just keeps growing and growing. You are so beautiful.
  • You are an awesome eater!! You have no teeth but will "gum" anything we put in front of you. You are doing great with table foods like crackers, soft fruits, puffs, veggies. You also eat 2 bowls of cereal and 2 jars of baby food each day. You love to eat. It makes you so happy! You are nursing 3 times a day and taking 1 bottle of formula a day. You continue to sleep great. Bedtime is around 8 each night and you sleep until 5-6 am. You usually go back down for a 2 hour nap around 8 am and then a 2 hour nap around 1 pm. But you are also very flexible with your eating and sleeping. You go with the ever changing flow of our family.
  • You and Ben have started playing more these days. He will bring you toys and will play with you. You still adore him!! No real stranger anxiety these days. You are doing much better in the nursery at church too.

Happy 7 month birthday Sweetie! We love you so much!!!!


  1. she is so adorable Emily! I am so thankful she is doing so great! You inspired me to take a pictures of Abby in her crib each month too! Love that it really shows how much they grow!!!!

  2. She is as sweet as ever! Julia is 9.5 months old and is still only 15 lbs! ~Jess
