Saturday, June 19, 2010

VBS 2010

We survived our VBS week. It was a wonderful week. Ben and Kate both had a great time all week going to VBS. I really enjoyed helping out with the preschool crafts. The week was just fun. It was tiring for sure but so much fun!

Ben made some awesome crafts all week. I love this one with his picture on it. The theme this year was "Saddle Ridge Ranch." Perfect for little boys who love cowboys! He was saying "yee haw" in the picture. So cute!! Here he is singing and dancing in his class. He came home each day singing a song they learned.
He got to hang out with all his buddies. Here is Micah and Eli! They all had a great time.
Miss Kate did great all week. I was a little worried but the teachers quickly learned what she liked and she was a happy camper. She took her nap each day and ate everything they gave her. She loved playing with all the other kiddos. She was the youngest person to attend VBS this year so she gets the prize!
We are so thankful to have a church that loves our kids and loves other preschoolers. It is a privilege to get to work with the kids and share the love of Jesus with them. I pray that many seeds were planted this week that will grow in time.

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great time! I am sad the boys didn't get to participate this year, but since Abby was born that week we had enough excitement!
