Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Wow! We had another amazing but busy weekend! Why do they go by so fast??? Friday night we enjoyed dinner and games with our friends the Johnson's. Then Saturday morning the kids and I headed out to do some errands (get ready for Father's Day) while Matt did fun yard work! It was an adventure for me and the kiddos. It was storming like crazy on the other side of the mountain but we had things we had to do so we just pressed on. Saturday afternoon/evening we went to a welcome party for the Auburn students that Matt teaches at the hospital. It is hosted every year by the Eilands on their awesome "farm." They may not call it a farm but it is to us. Way out in the country on tons of beautiful land. They have horses and a pond. Ben and Kate both loved the horses. We were too busy chasing the kids to take any pictures but imagine Kate and Ben petting horses and Ben running around having a blast outside. It was so much fun!

Then Sunday was Father's Day!!!!! I am so blessed to have an amazing dad and to also be married to the best dad in the world! It was a fun day of celebration. We have a tradition of giving Mother's Day and Father's Day presents in bed so first thing Ben did was take Matt his presents. Ben really wanted to get him a Robin shirt (Ben is Batman and Matt is Robin) but we couldn't find one so he got him a Captain America shirt instead (Matt's favorite super hero). I mean what dad wouldn't want a Captain America shirt??? We then got ready for church and headed out to breakfast at Panera. Church was great as always and then it was off to Chilis for lunch. Then home for naps!
Late afternoon we went over to Kelly and Andrew's for a swim and some dinner with my parents. It was great to get to spend some time with my dad as well. We all had fun swimming (it was so hot!!!). We even got in a game of Cornhole.
I LOVE this picture!!! You can see how much that little boy loves his daddy!
This picture made me laugh. All the boys were sitting and watching a movie. Some great dads and sons in this picture!
It was an awesome weekend! I hope Matt felt very loved and appreciated. He is awesome!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Father's Day Matt! I like Andrew's t-shirt...I have one just like it. :)
