Sunday, June 27, 2010

Branching Out, Toy Story 3 and Fondue

Another great weekend comes to a close. It was a pretty low key weekend around these parts. Like I said there is either tons going on or nothing. This was a nothing kind of weekend. Friday night we just hung out at home. Matt and I are making our way through season 3 of "24" so we got in a few episodes.

Saturday morning we went for our usual breakfast and errand run. We did decide to branch out and not go to Panera. We went to Little Rosies instead. It was fine but we missed Panera and felt like we were cheating on it. We will be back next week...

Ben and Matt then headed out to see Toy Story 3 together. Ben loves going to the movies so he was so excited. He has been such a big boy lately. He has gone 2 weeks without an "accident" so he was in need of a good reward. They both loved the movie and it has been "to infinity and beyond" ever since!
Miss Kate and I just hung out at home. I got a few things done around the house and she played! This toy she is playing with is her absolute favorite. It was also Ben's favorite. I don't know what is so exciting about it but they love it!
Check her out with her cup! She is doing so great with her cup. I think pretty soon she won't be taking a bottle at all it will be only sippy cups!
Saturday was my parents 33rd wedding anniversary! I had told them I would make them a special dessert for after their anniversary dinner. At the last minute I changed it up and decided to make fondue and invited them and my brother and Kelly over to enjoy. I am sure it is just what they wanted to do on their anniversary. Actually they said it was fun to be together as a family. Crazy to think they started out as a family of 2 and now it is up to 8 of us. Every night growing up my dad would always end his prayers with "Thank you for Ann, Emily and Andrew." Over the years that has gotten longer and longer. Now every time he prays it is "Thank you for Ann, Emily, Andrew, Matt, Ben, Kelly and Kate." We kid him that before long he is going to spend all his time praying for us. He always replies "if I could only be so lucky!" I have awesome parents and it was great to be able to celebrate with them their 33 years of marriage.
So I made dark chocolate, peanut butter fondue with all dippers to go with it. It turned out super yummy. It was great to get to finally use that fondue pot we got as a wedding gift 7 years ago. I think we maybe using it some more!
Today was filled with church, lunch with friends and naps. Always a great Sunday! We are ready to start another week filled with all sorts of great things!


  1. wow...the fondue and dippers look so very yummy!! you guys are so blessed with a family that loves the Lord!

  2. How funny- we are watching the 3rd season of 24 right now too! That fondue looks amazing!
