Thursday, June 24, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Ben has been so excited this week to start swimming lessons! YEA!!! He loves the water so we thought it would be good to get him started on learning how to swim. He is taking lessons two times a week for 5 weeks at the wellness center here in town. His teacher is Miss Rae and she is great. The first day he wasn't too sure about putting his head under the water but today we went to our pool and practiced so he was ready! He is doing awesome. He is the youngest in the class but he is catching on really fast and doing exactly what he needs to do. We are so proud! We need to work on his homework this weekend of "big arms." I guess that means lots of trips to the pool. Not that I mind because it is 95 degrees outside.

Ready to start his lesson! In the water working on his technique.

Kate is along for the ride of course! She loves watching her big brother do anything so she is enjoying watching the lessons. This girl is going to love to swim. Every time we get her in the water she tries to stick her head under the water. She is already kicking her legs. Maybe a future swimmer for Auburn! This picture also captures her new thing for this week. She is really into pointing and reaching for people. So cute!

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