Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tennis Shoes

My sweet little boy has been asking everyday for about 2 months if he could wear tennis shoes. He outgrew his last pair during the spring and I hadn't bought him any new ones. He has about 5 pairs of sandals for the summer but I hadn't found any good deals on tennis shoes and I refuse to buy anything not on sale or second hand. I just can't do it! So after many a morning of sad faces because he had no tennis shoes I gave in! I told him we would go buy a new pair of tennis shoes. He was so excited! He wanted a blue pair.

So today my mom took us to the PX (the store on the base here in town). They usually have things just a little bit cheaper and you don't have to pay tax. Ben found a pair of shoes he loved. He tried them on and they fit great (a little big so they will fit for a while). He was running and jumping and so excited. He wouldn't take them off so he wore them out of the store. Who knew a pair of shoes could make a little boy so happy! The rest of the day he has been super bouncy and excited.

Here are his new blue tennis shoes!
Proud new owner of the tennis shoes!

And Miss Kate was along for the ride. She enjoyed her first time to sit up in a shopping cart. She did great. We had a fun day out with Granna this morning running some errands and then enjoying lunch at Chic-fil-a!


  1. Of course the PX is awesome ;) My girls LOVE their 'fast running shoes'! The have to have them at the park or anytime I will let them!! :)

  2. The new shoes are cute and the little boy in them is adorable. :)

    We should get the little ones together to play this summer.

  3. Gabe is the same way - he has all these great sandels, but he really just wants sneakers! It doesn't matter how hot it is, either! ~Jess
