Friday, July 9, 2010

Flashback Friday - Italy

Four years ago this week we left on an amazing 3 week trip to Italy, Greece and Turkey. We had been planning for years and the time was right so off we went. Truly a trip of a lifetime for the two of us. Here are some of our favorite pictures from Italy.

The Trevi Fountain in Rome
The Spanish Steps in Rome
A real Italian dinner
That's where the Pope lives!

You might have seen this place before...

The Coliseum!

Cheesy touristy picture in Pisa
Michelangelo's David. Can I just say it was the most amazing piece of art I have ever seen. We had to stand in line for 2 hours to get in and we were thinking it wasn't going to be worth it but it so was!!!! It literally took my breath away. You aren't allowed to take pictures but I did anyway!

Eating pizza in front of an amazing work of art!

The Ponte Vechio
In Verona - The Romeo and Juliet balcony
Our favorite had to be Venice. We are going back someday!!

Just a quick look back at Italy!! Stay tuned for more from the trip sometime soon.


  1. Thanks for sharing these! I HAVE to do that trip ... someday :). ~Jess
