Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fun Friday With Miss Lisa

The kids and I spent an awesome day on Friday down in Birmingham with my dear friend Lisa. I was trying to think about how to describe my friendship with Lisa. In one word it would be "comfortable." We met in college at the church we attended. All through college she was one of those friends that I could always turn to and talk to about anything. And in the 7 years since college that is the way our friendship has remained. We can go months without talking and then pick up right where we left off. She is one of those friends that if I had a problem I could call and she would drop everything and help in any way she could. She is always such an encouragement to me. I love spending time with her so it was a great joy for her to block out her whole day on Friday to hang with me and the kiddos. She got married last year so she is still enjoying life with no kids so I know it was a sacrifice to spend her Friday off with a couple of wild kids. I hope she had fun. I know we all did.

We drove down to Birmingham and picked Lisa up and went to the Mcwane Center. It was awesome!!! I had never been and it was a treat. Ben had a blast checking everything out. They call it a science museum but it is more than that it is an amazing children's museum! It was so much fun
A rare picture of Ben and mommy!
Even Kate had fun!
Miss Lisa and Ben doing an experiment with light
Playing with water and balls!
Driving a space vehicle
Miss Lisa and Kate!
Ben digging for some dinosaur bones.
Kate even managed to get a nap
After the museum we did a little shopping and headed back to Lisa's condo for a short visit.
Thanks for the fun time Lisa! We can't wait to come back and do it again soon!

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