Monday, August 16, 2010

9 Months Old!!!!!!

Sweet baby Kate is 9 months old today. She is quickly moving out of the baby phase. I can't believe how much she has changed in the last month.
  • Kate, you are growing so fast!!! Today at the doctor's office you weighed 17 pounds 8 oz!!!! You gained almost 2 pounds in one month. I knew it was going to happen at some point!! Your weight is at the 21st%ile. You are only 26 1/4 inches long (8th%ile). So you are a short little girl much like your mommy! Your weight and height switched this month so I bet you are about to grow in length here soon! Dr. Patz said you look awesome and are growing great. You are ahead on your milestones so he said keep doing what we are doing! You are wearing size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes.
  • If I had to describe you in one word it would be BUSY!!!! I thought your brother was busy until you came along. Girl you are into everything. You are crawling so good. You are a slow crawler (you don't move fast) but you get where you want to go. Your goal in life it to pull up on everything you see. You are a determined little thing! Just in the past week you have started doing some cruising so I bet it won't be too much longer until you are starting to take some steps on your own! You get into everything!! We can't turn our backs for one minute before you will be into something new. Everything in sight goes straight to your mouth!!! I mean everything!!! You won't sit still to save your life. Taking your pictures today was a nightmare. You wanted no part of it! You also hate getting dressed and getting your hair "done."
  • Even with your busyness you are still very sweet natured. You love to snuggle when you wake up from naps. You love your family. Daddy can always make you smile and Ben can make you laugh. Mama is who you want at all times. You are in a "hold me" phase right now. You can play on your own great at times but sometimes you just want to be held. That is ok with me! There is nothing more beautiful than your smile! It just lights up a room. You smile with your whole body!
  • You continue to be super flexible which you have to be in our family. You like to take 2 naps but there are a lot of days you don't get your morning nap and you adjust. You will just take a longer afternoon nap. You nurse 3 times a day or so. Sometimes you get a bottle and do great with that as well. You love to eat!!!! You are pretty much done with baby foods. Table foods only for you. I think you have tried just about everything now and you like it all. You eat whatever we are eating. You just have your 2 bottom teeth but somehow you get that food down. You have even eaten steak with just 2 teeth! Oh and you only want to feed yourself!
  • You love to be around other people. You are doing great in the church nursery these days. You started school last week and love that as well. I am so glad you are a well adjusted little girl. Your hair is getting so long. I have had to start pulling it back in a half ponytail everyday. You like it like that because it stays out of you face and you aren't tempted to pull out the bows!

I can't believe how big and grown up my baby is looking. She has come so far in the past 9 months. We are so blessed!! Happy Birthday sweet angel!


  1. Happy 9 months to Kate!! I think Paige is the same size...we will see this weekend - yay!!

  2. Look at her, she is so precious! I can't believe she is 9 months already! Time really does fly!
