Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where Is August Going?

August is halfway over!! Am I the only one that doesn't think that seems possible. I feel like I just blinked and we are now here. Wow!! It was another fun but low key evening around the Eckley house. Friday night we went out to visit my brother Andrew at work. He is a pharmacist at CVS in Madison so it is about 30 minutes from our house and we don't go out there much. It was our first time to go see him in action. Ben was excited to see where Uncle Andrew worked and I was excited to finish up my CVS shopping for the week. I love shopping at CVS. I paid $6 and got over $50 worth of stuff including diapers, wipes and formula!!

Saturday during the day was low key. Matt did some yard work and I hung out with my family for a little bit. We worked on some projects around the house and relaxed some. Then we went to a fun birthday party! We have gotten to know some new friends in the last month. The Pociasks just moved here from Texas. We met them at church and "clicked" right away. We have enjoyed getting to have them to our house and doing some fun things with them. Saturday was their little girl Abigail's 2nd birthday party so it was fun to celebrate with them. Here are some pictures from the party!
I love how sad Ben looks in this picture waiting for his cupcake!
Miss Kate loved the party! She ate an entire piece of pizza and crawled around playing with her buddy Isaac.
Abigail the birthday girl!
My cupcake cutie
Loved the cupcake theme (it is going to be Kate's party theme so I enjoyed getting some fun ideas).
The dads hanging out (Justin, Matt and Steve). I love that I can include Steve in the dad group now!! Steve and Krissy told us at the party they are expecting their first baby!!!! I am so excited for them!!! They are going to be awesome parents.
The birthday girl with the little ones!

Abigail loving on Kate. I watched Abigail the other day for Anna and her and Kate had a blast together. Abigail hugged on Kate the whole time and of course Kate loved the attention.
Today we had a great time at church. Ben is off right now at his first night of Cubbies. He learned his verse and motto for the week and is ready to say them. I am so excited for him! Also I big note - this morning at Panera we had to break down and get Kate her own bagel. We got tired of her eating most of ours. So it was a big day for her. She got her very own cheese bagel!
Looking forward to a fun week ahead! Another week of birthday parties for adults and kids (I told you August was a birthday month). There is a big birthday coming up next week that we will be celebrating some this week!!

1 comment:

  1. awww! What sweet pics. I love the ones of abs and kate. You are welcome to email those to me too. :)
