Friday, August 13, 2010

Some New Things Around Our House

It's Friday!!!! YEA!!! The week has flown by. We are starting to settle into our new fall/school schedule. It is going to be busy but fun. I feel like the weeks are going to go by so fast since we are going to stay so busy. Next week will get even busier with the start of Bible Studies. Today Ben had school and I had tons of work to catch up on so Kate and I trekked up to my office. She had a blast playing while I worked. She just crawled around my office and had a great time. She is awesome at playing with toys and entertaining herself. What a blessing to not have to do all the entertaining!
This week out of necessity a new rule was born in our house. Ben is only allowed to watch 1 hour of TV in the afternoons. He LOVES to watch TV and would do it all day everyday. He was watching a couple hours in the morning and a couple in the afternoon. With school starting and us needing to get going we have started a no TV in the morning rule. It is going really well. We are listening to music instead as we get ready and every ones attitude is much improved! He does get to watch his 2 favorite shows in the afternoon - Arthur and Word Girl. I am loving our new my quieter house! Here is my little man lounging enjoying his hour of TV.
I am so excited to how off Kate's 6 month picture that I got this week. I absolutely love this one of Ben that hangs in our stairway. I couldn't wait to get one of Kate. It came in this week and I am in love!!! I just have to get it hung (along with all of the others that I ordered).
So Miss Kate is crawling everywhere. She is also pulling up on everything and starting to cruise around. She is such a big girl! We were having major issues with her dresses and her being able to crawl so I fixed that problem. See I told you she was an '80's child. Don't you all remember doing your shirts like this in the 80's? It works great to help her crawl and not get caught up in those dresses.
I finished up a project I had been working on. You all know I am working on Kate's first birthday already. I saw this awesome idea to use a wooden high chair painted in party colors for the first birthday. I know I am going to do pink and green as part of the theme. So I found a great wooden high chair and have been working on painting it limey green. It is the green of our dining room. I had planned on using it everyday but it is not very practical. The plastic one is great. So this one will be for special occasions. I love the way it turned out though. The pictures don't show how green it is!
Finally this week I have been working on the kiddos fall clothes. Once again I WAY overbought for them. They both have tons of clothes for this fall. I get such great deals that it is hard not to go overboard. I was gearing up for the start of the consignment sales this weekend but I don't think I need anything. I will go just for fun and to look for some Christmas presents. Ben was helping me out going through the clothes I got for him.
So that is what is new around here. It has been a good week. We are looking forward to a fun weekend.

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