Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pool Time

We spent a wonderful morning at the pool today. Since "big" school started back this week the pool is open but with no lifeguards and no crowds!! Usually there are around 100 people at the pool when we go (it is a huge pool don't worry - biggest in the state I heard one time). Today there was a grand total of about 6 people there. It was wonderful! Our friends Jennifer and Caroline came along and we had a blast. We hung out mostly in the baby pool because the little ones could get around in there and Ben was having fun. Us moms laid down in the baby pool to keep cool and the kids played for over 2 hours. It was heaven. Needless to say we will be going back again soon when school is in session. I haven't gotten many pictures from the pool this summer because it is not really safe to leave the kids alone in the water to grab the camera but I did manage to get a couple today.

I learned something new - Ben can push Kate's stroller all by himself!!! YEA!!! He pushed it from the parking lot all the way to the pool (it is pretty far and uphill). He has a new job! The played together so well today. I wish I could have gotten some pictures of them together. Ben was holding her in the water. At one point they were both in the whale float together laughing and splashing. It made me smile so big to see them enjoying each other and having fun together. I left the pool with a heart full of joy. Thankful for the opportunity to spend some quality time with my kids.

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