Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kate's 1st Day of School!!!

Today with Miss Kate's first day of school. I can't believe she is old enough to go. I was wondering if I was going to have a hard time with her going but I didn't. She is my baby but she will have a blast this year and I know it is good for her. She had an awesome first day...

Started off the day with a good breakfast. She enjoyed an entire Eggo waffle and banana. Have I mentioned she loves to eat?

Packed her lunch with some of her favorites.Tried to get the first day of school picture in the green chair. She was not having it at all!! She fell out of the chair (she crawled off the edge) and that was it. This was the best I could do. Yes Jessica she does have a big bow in her hair and it is monogrammed (I had to throw that in for you). It is the South and it is a must on the first day of school.

We were ready to go! I got both of the kids ready, lunches packed and out the door by 8! We were on time. Something to be proud of. Kate did great with me dropping her off. She went right to the teachers and was ready to start the day. I stayed at the church for a little while to work on some Bible study stuff and I saw them on their morning buggy ride. I actually heard them coming because I heard Kate squealing. She was having fun! I then ran some errands (long bad story of locking my keys in my car so needless to say my first day with no kids was not that much fun).
When I went to pick her up they were on the afternoon buggy ride. Kate looked up at me and smiled then looked back at the teacher like "We are still going to finish our ride right?" She had a great time. The teacher said she did great. She ate all her food, took her bottle and took an hour and a half nap. Sounds good to me! She got a great "baby gram" report.

So it was a great first day for Miss Kate! I love the fact that she had fun.


  1. look at that smile behind that paci in the buggy picture! too cute!!!! glad she had fun!
