Monday, August 9, 2010

Ben's 1st Day of Preschool

It's school day!!! My little guy got up and headed out to preschool this morning. He looked so big all ready to go. I am so excited for him and the great year he is going to have. We had a good morning. It will take us a little while to settle into our new routine but it will be good. We actually made it to school to time which is always a good thing. Here is our morning...
Yummy 1st day of school breakfast - biscuits and strawberries. Gotta pack that lunch!

Phone call from Daddy wishing him a good first day of school

Our yearly picture in the green chair! Ready to go!

I didn't get any pictures of him at school since he ran into his room and didn't even look back. He was too excited to start playing for pictures. I am so glad he loves it so much!

After I dropped Ben off, Kate and I headed over to her "school" for open house. She met Miss Gerri and Miss Virginia her teachers. I think she is going to have a great year as well. Can't wait for Wednesday!!

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