Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Granna!!

Today is my amazing mom's birthday!! I really do have the most awesome mom in the world. She is so kind and thoughtful. She always puts others ahead of herself. She has taught me so much about being a mom just by her actions and the way she is. I hope one day I am half the mom she is. I am so thankful for her and what she means to me! I hope you have a wonderful birthday Mom/Ann/Granna!!

We celebrated her birthday last night with a low key family dinner. We had everyone over to our house and cooked some chicken parmesan. It was yummy. Kelly made the best salad and we all ate until we were stuffed. We then relaxed and played some games. A great time was had by all.
Here is the table I set for the party. Yellow is my mom's favorite color!
Uncle Andrew and Aunt Kelly with Kate

The birthday girl and her wonderful grandkids

We skipped cake and opted to do some GiGi's cupcakes instead. Good call!!!! They were so yummy.
Ben helped Granna blow out the candle.
Silly Boy!!!

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