Sunday, August 1, 2010

Family Time Weekend

I know I say this every week but we had another wonderful weekend at the Eckley house. This one was a little different because we hung out all weekend just the 4 of us. Usually we hang with friends or family but it was just us. It was really nice!!! Friday night we picked up a pizza and went swimming. It is so hot that is about about only thing outside we can do right now. It was fun. Saturday during the day was really low key. We did a few things around the house.
Saturday night was lots of fun! We went to the Stars baseball game. The Stars the the local AA baseball team. You got in free if you brought a school supply so it was the prefect time for us to try it out and see what the kiddos thought. I just knew that it was going to be a disaster with Kate and the heat. It turned out to be wonderful. We enjoyed a yummy dinner before at Little Rosies then went to the game. Both of the kids loved watching - Ok Ben liked it more than Kate but she was happy just sitting in our laps which is better than I thought. The weather was much cooler than it had been because there were some clouds. We enjoyed some ballpark peanuts and danced a little. It was great. We stayed all the way to the 8th inning. I just knew we would be leaving before the 2nd inning. It was wonderful!!!!

Today was church stuff and preparing for a new week. It is going to be busy as always but should be fun - 2 birthdays (what is up with all the August birthdays?? Everyone we know has an August birthday) and some school stuff! Here are some pictures from the ballgame. I thought they turned out really cute.
I love this one of my 2 boys in their baseball caps.

Ben loved wearing a real baseball hat. It is actually Matt's hat but Ben's head is so big it fit him!

Her 1st game!A rare picture of me!

Kate loved playing with the glove

Ben tried really hard to catch a foul ball. He wants to go back so he can try to catch one again.

Ben and Homer the mascot. Only in Alabama is your mascot a skunk. Why do you make a skunk a mascot???? Ben the baseball player!


  1. looks like another fun weekend in the Eckley house!!

  2. The game looks fun! I wish we were there so we could go together (so much for your family weekend - we would butt in :).
