Monday, August 2, 2010

Bows, Cupcakes and Dirty Faces

It's Monday but it has been a great Monday. We are enjoying our last few weeks before school starts back. Trying to get in playdates and lots of fun things. This morning our sweet friends the Carlisles invited us over to play. Ben had a great time playing with Jonah. They played "sleepover." They dressed up in PJs and played in sleeping bags like they were having a sleepover. It was really cute. Hollie and I had our own playdate. We did a little crafting. Hollie makes awesome hairbows so she taught me some tricks and I made my first few bows for Kate. They aren't perfect but I will keep practicing. They did turn out cute though and I tried to make some that will match Kate's fall outfits. It was a great morning of fun for everyone!

This afternoon Matt brought me home the special green box...
There is nothing better than a GiGi cupcake treat! We haven't had them in forever so it will be great tonight!!! Can't wait to dig in.
I was snapping some pictures of the kiddos tonight and I noticed how dirty their faces were. It was after dinner and I had wiped them both down but they were still so dirty. Before I was a mom I used to think badly of moms when I saw them with dirty faced kids. Not any more. I can't keep my kids clean. I think they are clean but they aren't!! Any mamas have good tricks for cleaning up dirty faced kids? But they sure are cute even if they have dirty faces!


  1. cute bows! I just made Abby a hairbow holder this week. I finally found a bow to stay in her baby soft hair and my mom made her a bunch and brought them to us this weekend! I am trying to figure all this girly stuff out!
    Those cupcakes look YUMMY!!!
    and I know what you mean about the dirty faces, seems like I am always wiping faces too!

  2. I have the SAME problem with dirty faces! I'll wipe them off after they eat and then an hour later I find dinner still on their face like I never even cleaned them off.
