Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pancakes & Worms

I think I have mentioned before about how we live in an awesome neighborhood. Every house has at least 2 kids under the age of 10 and most have 3 or 4. There are always kids out and about to play with. The moms are all great and I enjoy hanging with them. We are very blessed.
This morning was Pajamas and Pancakes. An annual tradition on our street before school starts. All the kids come in the PJs to one of the neighbor's house to enjoy some pancakes before school starts back. It is so much fun. A great time to visit and get ready for fall! Ben and Kate both had a blast. Ben loved playing with his friends. All the little girls thought Kate was a baby doll and they kept picking her up and playing with her. It was funny! So here are a few pictures from this morning...

Another tradition that has begun out of PJs and Pancakes is the annual bug eating contest. Every year Wendy gets some sort of edible bug for everyone to try. This year it was chocolate covered worm heads. So us mamas were brave and tried them first. It wasn't too bad. It tasted like a chocolate covered raisin.
Then my super picky little boy tried one. YES!!! Ben ate a worm head!! I couldn't believe it.
He is still talking about eating a worm. I am proud of him for trying something new!

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