Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kate's 1st Eye Appointment

While I was pregnant with Kate I asked Ben's eye doctor in Birmingham if the eye condition that Ben has is genetic. I loved his answer "maybe." They are not sure if it is or not. Sometimes it runs in families and other times it doesn't. Not really all that reassuring. He told us to get Kate's eyes checked before 1 year of age.

So we did this past Monday. Kate did awesome at the appointment. She sat so still in the chair letting Dr. Jennifer check out her eyes. We got some great news. Kate's eyes are perfectly fine. In fact Jennifer said that her eyes are better than most babies her age. YEA!!! No glasses for Kate. It is amazing for me to think about that when Ben was Kate's age we found out he was going to get glasses and it wasn't but 3 months later he was wearing them.

Kate wanted to pull up on everything in the waiting room. She made it her goal to pull every magazine off the tables and onto the floor! Kate getting some hugs from Dr. Jennifer. I know you are wondering if we are this close with all our doctors. The answer is no! Jennifer was a friend of mine from middle and high school. We went to college together and have been friends for a long time! She is an awesome optometrist in Madison so if anyone needs an eye doctor go to Jennifer!
Since we are on the subject of eyes - Be praying for us over the next couple of weeks. We are starting to put dilation drops in Ben's eye daily to help with his vision. Our doctor in Birmingham said it could cause some behavior changes and some other side effects that are not fun. Dr. Jennifer reassured me that it shouldn't be bad at all and I trust her but still am dreading the experience! It is not going to be fun for the little man.

Oh and just as a note for the baby book that I will hopefully one day get to. Kate said her first word on Sunday. She said mama!! I was so excited. And since Sunday she has started saying dada and baba (which we are saying means Ben). Fun stuff!

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