Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birthdays When You Get Old

So I was thinking back on our day yesterday and what a sad sort of birthday it was for Matt. I didn't do a very good job of making is special. I guess when you get "old" birthdays just aren't what they used to be.

Kate and I did take Matt out to lunch... Ben couldn't wait one more minute to give Matt his birthday presents so he opened all his presents the minute he walked in the door from work. His presents consisted of brown socks and work pants. Not all that exciting. Ben did pick him out a couple of fun things - Captain America toy and a Wii game. Just what every dad needs!
Matt's big gift was a lawnmower. How unexciting is that! Ours died last week so it was more of a must buy gift since we had to mow the lawn or face the wrath of the homeowners association!
I did cook Matt one of his favorite meals of baked spaghetti. Our after dinner entertainment was playing Candy Land!
The evening was capped off with blowing out one candle on the 1/4 of a cake that was left from the weekend. See it was all sort of sad!
I hope Matt enjoyed his day even if it wasn't that exciting!


  1. I think you did great! Matt was able to celebrate over a couple of days, not just on his birthday.

  2. What's better than a birthday with your family. I'm sure he had the best time. I love the picture of him and Ben with his presents. Happy Birthday Matt!

  3. I just bet if you ask him, he would tell you it was perfect--dads are just like that.
