Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Matt!!

Today is my sweet husband's 31st birthday! I laugh and tell him he is now "officially" old! He is not just 30 he is "into his 30's." I probably shouldn't make too many jokes because my turn is soon.
I just want to brag on my Matt for a minute. I know I am a little biased but he really is the most wonderful man in the world! There is not a thing that he would not do for his family. I remember when I was a teenager our youth pastor talked about true love is when someone provides for you and protects you. That sums up Matt's love for us, his family. He provides for us so well and protects us daily. Not just physically but spiritually and emotionally. Everyday when he comes home from work he hits the ground running. He helps me with what needs to be done around the house or with playing with the kids. He is the most hands on dad I know! Over the past year I have seen him grow so much as a husband, father and man. His relationship with the Lord has been so real and open.
Happy Birthday Matt! I hope you have had a wonderful day! I love you so very much! Thank you for all you do for us. I hope you have enjoyed the day that is all about you!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of him from the last few months -