Sunday, August 22, 2010

Time to Party!

We did some major partying this weekend!! Lots to celebrate. Saturday morning we went to the Mobley's house to celebrate Genevieve's 2nd birthday. Jessica did an amazing job with the dog theme. It was so cute. Every little detail was perfect and so well thought out. Ben was so excited to go to the dog party that he packed up all his stuffed dogs and put them in his carrier to take to the party. It was so cute. The kids and I had a blast. I can't believe Miss Genevieve is already 2!

Here is Ben sporting his dog shirt and ears and dog name tag! I wish I had gotten more pictures of all the cute things Jessica did. It was totally awesome. Kate in her doggie dress!
Ben helping Genevieve check out her gifts. The 2 of them crack me up. They have a great little relationship together and get along so well.
Eating his cake out of a doggie bowl!! So cute!
Saturday night it was time to party for Matt's birthday!!! Brad and LeeAnn were in town this weekend. Brad's birthday was on Monday (1 week before Matt's). So we try to get together every year to celebrate the birthdays!! It was so good to see the Wrights. We miss them so much. It is so much harder not to see them as much now that Paige is around. LeeAnn I talk pretty much everyday so we stay in touch but I sure do miss getting to see Miss Paige grow and change. We went to eat dinner at Rosies and then came back to our house for a birthday party (Ok just cakes and hanging out but it was great). Paige is such a cutie! She has an awesome sweet smile. Kate and Paige had "fun" together. We made plans for fall football and a Christmas time trip to New York!!! Can't wait for more fun times with the Wrights!!
Doesn't get much better than babies and Rosies!
Emily Paige & LeeAnn Wright
Emily & Katherine LeeAnn Eckley
I still think it is so funny!
Ben has been in rare form the last couple of days. He has been wild! He put on Kate's headband and was running through the house! He loves Brad and LeeAnn so much. He got so excited when we told him we were going to see them this weekend.
The girls! We were laughing that we had to get a picture of them dressed alike so that one day when they are in each others weddings (because you know they will be) they will have this picture to put in their prewedding video. So Kate is 3 months older than Paige and they weigh and measure the exact same right now. Kate is little and Paige is right at the 50th%ile. It makes us laugh.

Tried to get a picture of all of the kiddos. Kate did not like Ben holding her and Paige thought they were so interesting.
The birthday boys! So glad we had a reason to get together and celebrate.

Matt's favorite cake is red velvet so I made him a cake. It turned out really well! Calories don't count on birthdays right?

Today has been full of more celebrating. We went out to lunch with Matt's family which was awesome. My mom came over to do a little celebrating as well. We are looking forward to a fun family celebration tomorrow night! I love birthdays!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great weekend! We celebrating lots of birthdays around here too :)! ~Jess
