Thursday, September 16, 2010

10 Months Old!!

The months are going by too quickly. I feel like I just did Miss Kate's 9 month post and it is already time for the 10 month post. CRAZY!!! I love this month's picture. She was really not wanting to lay down for the picture so she stuck her tongue out at me! Here are some things Little Miss is up to these days...

  • You continue to be the sweetest thing ever. So easy going. You have your moments though. You will cry at times I think just because you want some attention. You have also gotten in the habit of loving to be held a lot. Not that I mind that but you sometimes cry when we won't hold you.

  • You continue to be a girl on the go. You are getting much faster at crawling and love to crawl and get into things. We have to watch out for everything because if it is out and at your level you will be into it. You put EVERYTHING in your mouth! You pull up all the time and love to cruise. You are close to standing on your own and probably won't be much longer before you start to walk.

  • You continue to be an awesome eater. You are eating only table foods now. You were over baby foods a while back. You love to feed yourself. There is not a food that we have found that you don't like and believe me you have tried a lot of foods. You will eat it all!! It is awesome. You still nurse 2 times a day but hopefully it won't be too much longer and we will switch you to milk!

  • You are still a great sleeper. You go down easily around 8 and sleep until 7 or so. You love your morning nap. If we let you, you would sleep 2 hours. Your afternoon nap is shorter if you took a long morning nap. You have discovered a crochet blanket that you love to sleep with along with your lovie sheep.

  • This is the first month that I haven't gotten you weighed so I don't know how much you weighed. I am guessing it is around 18 pounds. You continue to grow great these days. You are wearing 6-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers and size 2 shoes. I would have to say your eyes are officially brown now. They are a pretty golden brown but no more blue. Your hair just keeps growing an growing. It is getting really long. Thank goodness for bows! You are also very tan! I don't know if I have ever seen a baby so tan. Anytime you go outside you get darker. I love your olive skin!

  • You love to play. You are getting more interested in toys and figuring out how they work. You also love to play with Ben. You guys play chase and tickle games. Your laugh is the best! You continue to have the most awesome smile as well. Some of your nicknames are Katie Lee, Missy May, Sweet Baby Girl and Miss K.
  • This month you have settled into a routine with school. You seem to like school. There are some separation issues at times but they don't seem to last very long and you are generally pretty happy around others. You are a mama's girl though and if anything is wrong I am the only one you want. You also survived the stomach bug that went through the house. You have also done some fun things outside since it is not so hot. 2 new states were added to your list (Tennessee and North Carolina) due to our family vacation!

Happy 10 month birthday sweet girl!! You are the best!!

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