Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Special Delivery

We had a very fun delivery at our house the other day. A big truck pulled up and dropped off 3 big boxes! A little boy was so excited...
Because this is what is coming...

Yes - we are finally getting a playset. Every other house in the neighborhood has one. Mema and Opa got it for the kids for Christmas. I am so excited!!! I have been wanting to get one for a long time but Matt as against it. Thank goodness Mema and Opa were on my side. They decided not to wait for Christmas so the kiddos could be playing on it this fall. Matt is going to spend the next few weeks putting it together but it is going to be awesome. I am sure there will be more to come on this in upcoming posts.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! They are going to LOVE it!! I bet you will too :)
