Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer To Do List UPDATE

Back in May I posted a "Summer To Do List" of everything I wanted to get accomplished over the summer. Now that summer is done I thought I would take a look back and see what I was actually able to check off that list. I am such a list maker and I get such joy out of checking things off lists!

1. Potty Training - CHECK, done, finished, completed, no more!!!! We did it!! If that is all we accomplished this summer then I will take it!

2. "Redo" our master bedroom and bathroom - Check - I did a few little updating projects that I was wanting to do. I got a new desk and lamp to put by our bed. I love the lamp. It matches great and is so trendy!

I also made the cool wall display using our wedding invitation that I hung up in our room. I still have one more wall that I am working on but I think the room is looking better.

In our bathroom I put up some new artwork that I have collected from trips we have been one. My goal is to get little prints from every trip we go on and then add more frames and change them out to have a constant reminder of our travels.

3. Swimming - Ben finished his 5 weeks of swimming lessons. He is still not a great swimmer but he has learned the basics. The big thing is that he is no longer scared in the water. He will actually jump into the pool which is a great accomplishment so I would call this a check! We did lots of practicing on this one this summer!

4. Clean out the guest room - Sort of a check - I did clean out the guest room at the beginning of the summer. It looked awesome for a couple of weeks. You can even ask my roommate Jamye as they came and stayed in it while it was clean. But then life happened and now it is back to being junky. No guests right now! You can see by the pictures it is better than it was but it is still pretty rough. The problem right now is that I have bins of all the kids fall clothes in there. As soon as I get those hung up then it will be better again.
5. Kate's Baby Book - It is still sitting in the box. Didn't get around to that one. So no check mark. Sad!

6. Clean and repaint my baseboards - Not so much! I won't even show you the gross picture. This is just not something I enjoy doing. I did do our foyer baseboards back at the beginning of the summer so they look better. The rest of them still look pretty rough. I think I might just have to hire the painter to come work on them.

7. Work on my CEs - So I didn't get my portfolio updated and worked on like I wanted but I did do an additional 10 hours of CE work so that is good. I will give this one a partial check. Sounds like a good project to finish up over the winter when we are stuck inside.

8. Have FUN - We did this the whole summer!! It was great. Sad to see it end. But we are settling back into our school year routine.

So overall not to bad. 5 and a half checks on my list. I will take it.

1 comment:

  1. Not bad! I love what you did in your bedroom! You've still got fall for tackling some of those odds and ends. :)
