Monday, September 27, 2010

Family Dinner Night

Today was a super productive day around the Eckley house! I love those kinds of days. Every week I have a "to do" list. This week's list has 17 things on it. I got 8 marked off today!! YEA!! I would call that a success. One of the biggest things I got done was putting the kids fall clothes into their closets. This is always a HUGE undertaking. I have been stashing away clothes for this fall for months so I finally got them all out today and into the closets. I know it is still somewhat warm. I left out some warm weather clothes but the cool morning weather made me want to get this done. I think I went a little overboard as always on the clothes. But I promise I don't think I paid over $5 for anything in either of their closets.
My awesome friend Lisa who we saw this weekend is a professional counselor with the Alabama Baptist Children's Homes. She is in charge of all of their social media. She writes a blog column and does Twitter and Facebook for them. Cool job if you ask me. Anyways - they have been talking about family dinner night for the last couple of weeks. Asking for suggestions about what to talk about and how you "do" family dinners. I talk a lot about that with my job as well. Did you know that people who sit down to eat dinner as a family are less likely to gain weight because when you sit down to eat and talk you eat less!! That is a cool little fact for you. So in my job when I counsel families I encourage them to sit down and eat together. It is great for your health and family. Right now with little kids it is an easy thing to do but I hope as the kids grow we are able to continue the tradition of sitting down to dinner. A question for all you blog readers - How many nights a week do you think is reasonable to have family dinner night? I tell my patients 4-5. Is that too many? Too few?
We took some pictures of our family dinner tonight...

Fun stuff! I love our dinner conversations. With a 3 year old they are always interesting. Plus it gives Matt and I a chance to catch up as well.
And to close out here are a couple of pictures of the kiddos! I didn't take any all last week so I need to catch up this week. I love Kate's expression!


  1. You and your consignment shopping... I just don't have the patience!

    To answer your question, I'd say 4-5 is a good number. For us, right now, it's not hard to do at all. But I'm sure as the kids get older, it will dwindle down to something more like 3-4 nights a week once we have evening commitments for the kids, often different commitments for each kid (I'm thinking upper elementary age and older). I would hope that it never gets to less than 3 nights a week. I know it will take effort and lots of planning and creativity.

  2. 8 out of 17 is awesome!!

    I agree, 4 - 5 is easy right now. We do not eat at the table though, so I don't know if that counts. I believe as Paige gets older that will start happening.
