Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Lot of Growing in 3 Years

3 years ago this month we bought a seedling tree that was grafted from the Toomer's Corner oak tree in Auburn. We wanted to have a little piece of Auburn in our backyard. We weren't sure how the tree would do but we planted it anyway! This was planting day 3 years ago.
The tree was tiny! Our little guy was so tiny as well!
Three years later here is what it looks like...The tree is doing awesome. It is growing great. I think it is almost big enough for us to roll after big games. What do you think? Not only has it grown but the little guy has as well. The tree has finally passed him in size. What a difference 3 years makes.
Had to throw in one of him being silly! I can't believe I dressed him in orange and blue for both sets of pictures. That was not on purpose.

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