Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Rest of the Weekend

Once again this post is late. I am running behind these days. I wanted to share about the rest of our weekend since it wasn't all about football. It was a holiday weekend but since Matt had to work on Monday it wasn't anything to crazy for us. We sure are looking forward to our upcoming vacation. Matt hasn't had a day off since April so it is going to be nice to have a few days with no work!!!

Friday night we went to Kidspace with the Johnsons. We took dinner and just hung out. The kiddos played and the adults supervised and tried to play some games. It was nice and overcast so it was not too hot! Perfect weather!!

Kate and Isaac. Ben and I were talking about best friends the other day. He told me that Isaac was Kate's best friend!
BFFs Ben and Micah
Ben hates to swing. Like he has a deathly fear of swinging. Won't go near them. Didn't like them as a baby and doesn't like them now. So all the other kiddos were swinging and Ben went to play by himself.
Ben did like pushing Kate on the swing.
Kate is our daredevil! The girl has no fear. Here she was climbing on the monkey bars.
Saturday morning we ate our usual bagels at Panera! This picture made me smile because both of the kiddos were laughing. They love to try to make each other laugh. It is so much fun to see them interacting!
Sunday morning was church but since it was a holiday there was no church at night - YEA!! (Don't tell anyone I said that - it was nice to have the night off). We decided to try out hiking. We are hoping to do some hiking on upcoming vacations and wanted to see how it would go with the kiddos. We loaded up and hit a trail on the mountain near our house. It was awesome! The kids loved it and the weather was beautiful!
Grandaddy and his grandkids!
A rare picture of the 4 of us!
My sweet boys!
Kate loves her sling for hiking! Ben had the GPS and led the way!
Sunday night Ben spent the night with my parents. They set a tent up in their backyard and slept outside. They made it all night! Ben had so much fun. I can't believe he slept outside all night. Labor Day was not very much fun because I woke up with a stomach bug. Ben came down with it today. YUCK!! Hopefully that is the end of it. It wasn't nearly as bad as the last one we had so all is well.
That is the rest of the story of the weekend.

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