Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday Randomness

I didn't think that I had anything to blog about tonight but then I took some pictures of the kiddos and that is always inspiring. Lots to write about then...

Here is Kate showing off her 2 teeth. I think this is the first picture I have actually gotten of the teeth! Sweet girl!
She is such a girly girl. I said the same thing when Ben was born but how do they know to like their "gender toys." Kate already loves dolls and stuffed animals. She loves to hug on her babies and play with her animals. It is so much like when Ben was this age and loved to play with cars and trucks. You don't have to teach them these things!
Today was school picture day for Kate. I am the good mom that totally forgot. At least she was dressed cute. I am so excited about all her fall clothes. It is still sort of warm for them but I did pull out these cute pants today! She looks so cute in pants I think!
Now to the little man... This made me laugh. We bought this panda toy for him at the Atlanta zoo last October. We paid $4 bucks for it and I was just sure it would be broken or lost within hours. It is almost a year later and that thing is still going strong. He loves playing with it! Some days it is a sword and sometimes it is a gun. It cracks me up. Well invested $4!
My cutie!
Ben has been doing so well in school. Each week they are focusing on a letter. He loves learning the letters and he is doing so good recognizing them. Each Friday for show and tell they have to bring in something that starts with the letter of the week. So far we have brought in Batman (B) and a Chick-fil-a Cow (C). I love seeing what he will pick for each letter! Wonder what D will be??
He is being goofy in this picture. Today was green day at school for him. They also have been doing a color each week and one day they are supposed to wear the color. The very first week when it was red day he asked his teacher when green day was going to be. He was so excited to get to wear green! So today was the day!!!! He loved his green shirt.

I sure did find a lot to so! Those kids give me lots to talk about. 3 minutes with a camera and I can come up with great stories. Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I just had a chance to catch up on your blog a bit - you have so many awesome photos up lately!!! I LOVE the ones of Ben by the water! And of course miss Kate is adorable as always :). ~Jess
