Saturday, October 16, 2010

11 Months Old!!!!!!!!

This is the last one before "the big one." I can't believe it. I say it every month but time is flying. I was talking with a friend the other day about Kate's birthday and she said that she even thinks this was the fastest year ever. So it is not just me! I can't believe how much Little Miss has changed in the past month. She is becoming less of a baby everyday and more like a "big girl." Here is what is up these days!
  • Kate, you are into everything!!! You are so curious. You want to check everything out and see how it works and what it is all about. You love to explore and make a mess. You still crawl just about everywhere. You will stand up and cruise around. You have been known to stand on your own. So far you are just not interested in walking. I think you could do it if you tried you just don't want to.

  • You are so funny! I don't think there is a day that goes by that you don't make us all laugh like crazy. Your little personality is really coming out. You are the life of the party. You like to be the center of attention and make everyone happy. Your laugh and smile are contagious!
  • You had a rough month with teething. It gave you a bad stomach ache all month so you didn't gain much weight. You are still a little over 18 pounds. Hopefully you can make up for the lost ground soon. You did finally get another tooth so that makes 3. You have several more that are about to come. You are wearing 6-12 month clothes, size 2 shoes and size 3 diapers.

  • Your favorite thing to do is to eat. If you are upset all we have to do is give you some food and you will chow down! There is nothing you won't eat. Although if I had to pick your least favorite food it would be applesauce (just like your daddy). You just aren't very interested in it. It maybe because you can't feed yourself applesauce. Some of your favorite foods are cheese, veggie straws and strawberries. You only want to feed yourself. You weaned this month. Good times!! It was time for both of us. You have some formula but also some whole milk mixed in. You usually have a cup in the morning with breakfast and then with dinner and before bed.
  • You continue to be an awesome sleeper. Usually you go down around 8 and will sleep until 7 or so. You still take a great morning and afternoon nap. So easy going. You go with the flow! Your bed looks like a stuffed animal factory exploded. You love to have all your lovies around you at night.
  • You love school and going out. This month you went to Auburn a couple of times which you enjoyed. You spent your first night away from mommy and daddy. It was great. You loved staying with Mema and Opa and did great. You also love to play outside which we have been doing a lot more now that the weather is nice. You continue to talk more and more surprising us with new sounds everyday.

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl! Can't believe the next post I write will be your one year post!! We are so blessed!


  1. I say it every month, but she is precious! The hair is a big deal to me, as I had two baldies. Reagan is 3.5 and still has no where near as much hair as Miss Kate! She is a beautiful baby girl and her size and personality sound much like Reagan. ENJOY every day!
    Go back to my blog sometime. I added one last photo of fall decor but it is my the end of the post! Thanks for the inspiration to photograph and post our fall decorations!!!

  2. Great update!! SHE IS ADORABLE!!! Love the big bow in her hair :)! I just did Gabe's four year post finally. Julia's one year post is coming soon too :). ~Jess
