Monday, October 18, 2010

Wee Wee Wee All The Way Home!

****Sorry to all my Arkansas readers. This was what was on the game day buttons and I thought it was so cute. It just had to be the title.
We had an amazing time in Auburn this past weekend!! You could not have asked for a better weekend. We were able to visit with both of my grandmothers which was special. There was also lots of time with friends! So much fun. Enjoy a few pictures from the trip. I actually didn't take that many pictures. We were just having a great time and I didn't get out the camera too much.

Saturday morning we did a little walking around campus. I had to get the traditional pictures in front of Samford Hall with Kate!

Love this picture of my girl!

It was so good to be back on campus! There is nothing better than Auburn on game day!! Oh I have to tell you about the sweetest moment. We started walking down Magnolia towards Toomers Corner. Ben looked around and said in amazement "There is Auburn EVERYWHERE!!" He couldn't believe that everyone was wearing Auburn clothes and saying War Eagle! It brought tears to my eyes to watch him run in front of Toomers Corner. He had the biggest smile on his face and was just in awe!

Cute one of Ben pushing Kate around campus After walking around campus for a little bit we headed out to the Facilities area to tailgate. We met up with the Wrights (Brad, LeeAnn and Paige) and the Smiths (Steve, Jamye and Morgan). It was like we were reliving our "glory days" back at Auburn. We found the perfect spot to tailgate under a bunch of trees. The weather was beautiful. I mean we could not have asked for anything better. The company was so much fun. We laughed and talked and got all caught up!

The mommies and babies! Yes 10 short years ago we were living together at Auburn. So much as changed!

We had quite a spread of yummy food! Like I said I didn't take many good pictures. Too busy having fun!

Poor Ben was surrounded by all girls. He made his own fun!

More food! You know what is important at a tailgate. Of course we had to have some BBQ pork. A preview of what we were going to do to those piggies later in the day.

All the girls. The picture actually turned out halfway decent.
Kate - 11 months, Morgan - 5 months, Paige - 8 months
They can hang this picture up in their apartment one day when they are living together.
Kate got so tired. She fell asleep and stayed out for some time.

My sweet guy!
A great Auburn family picture.
So then the boys headed off to the game and the girls went back to the Smith's house to watch in comfort (I think we got the better end of that deal). We had a great time watching the game and playing! The boys had a blast at the game.
Ben slept through the entire 1st quarter. Now I don't understand how he could sleep with 87,000 screaming fans. But he did. Then he enjoyed popcorn, soda and candy! Who wouldn't enjoy the game with all that.
Ben loved when the band spelled things out on the field.

Silly boy!
They made it through about 1/2 of the 4th quarter before Ben was about done. Since it was a super long game I can understand. Matt said he had to try not to be selfish but just go when Ben was ready. At that point we were actually behind and didn't look so good. Thankfully as soon as they left things turned around for the team. Final score 65-43. It was a crazy one!!
Perfect weekend!! That is all I can say.

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