Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Well, it has come and gone - the fun times of Halloween. So much anticipation and now it is over. But boy was it fun! We had a blast. This year was so fun for Ben. He got into it so much and enjoyed it all. We were one family full of superheroes. Green Lantern, Supergirl, Batgirl and Batman! Ben told us he wanted to be Batman so we all decided to don our superhero alter egos. Last night we went to grandparent's houses to show off costumes. Of course grandparents have more than just candy. At both houses the kids walk away with bags full of stuff. Everything from dolls - to books - to toys. It is crazy! We then went to the fall festival at church. Not the best of times. It is way to crowded and loud. We knew that from previous experiences but had to be reminded I guess. We did enjoy seeing our friends. Here are Kate and Isaac. Neither one of them look like they are having a good time.
We decided that next year we will just do our own festival with our friends. Matt got creative with his costume and made his own Green Lantern ring!
Ben did enjoy the games at the festival. Here he is doing the football toss.
After the fall festival we went to my parents house for some yummy food and to watch the Auburn game! WAR EAGLE!!!!! 9-0!! Can't believe it!
Tonight we were all excited for some trick or treating!!! Kate found the candy bowl and knew exactly what to do!
Batman and Batgirl!

My super cute Batman!
And Batgirl!
Ready to go trick or treating!
We had the best time trick or treating! Our neighborhood is very kid friendly so that makes it very easy. Ben loved going up to the doors and ringing the doorbells and saying "Trick or Treat." After about the 3rd house he figured out that he would get candy at every house so he got so excited. He said "This is awesome!!" People just handing you candy is pretty awesome!
Kate got some candy. When people would hand it to her she would hold onto it for dear life! She was not going to let go for anything!

We actually went down our whole street and the one behind us because we were having such a great time. Ben also loved coming home and handing out candy. He enjoyed seeing all the costumes. We had a ton of trick or treaters. We went through 2 giant bowls of candy.
Here is Ben showing off his candy stash. He got to eat 2 pieces and was so excited. That will probably be it though. We are not big candy people (has something to do with being a dietitian). Don't tell anyone but I think we actually gave out some of the candy we had leftover from last year.
Kate even got to have her first taste of candy. She LOVED it of course. Nothing like M&M's all over a 1 year old. I love it when people give out healthy things. Here she is enjoying some pretzels. We were laughing last night saying this was her last first. Meaning since her birthday is in 2 weeks it is the last time we will say it is her first something like Christmas, Halloween etc.
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween weekend!

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