Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

We are getting excited for all the Halloween festivities this weekend. It is going to be so much fun. I caught a picture of my cuties this morning before school. They were both wearing the glow in the dark ghost shirts.
Tonight was the annual carving of the pumpkin. We usually go to a Sunday School social where we do that but it was last weekend when the kiddos were sick. So we did the carving tonight. Everyone got in on the action. The pumpkin turned out awesome as usual. Matt is a great pumpkin carver. He always does something that Ben is into at the time. You can check out previous years pumpkins here and here. So of course this year's theme had to be Batman. Doesn't it look awesome!
2 silly kids with the pumpkin. They both loved it!
Can't wait for more fun!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of your cuties! Sounds like you're having the same kinds of fun over there as we are - I will be posting pumpkin carving pics soon too :)!

