Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kitty Sitting

We had a fun job over the weekend - kitty sitting. My brother and Kelly just got a new kitten a couple of months ago. Sadie is a very sweet kitty. She is also very beautiful. She reminds me so much of the cat we had growing up - Leon. The kids love Sadie. Ben is all the time asking to go see Sadie. He was so excited to be able to help feed Sadie. Kate loves to chase Sadie and to pull her fur. We have to protect Sadie from Kate not the other way around.
Kitty sitting wasn't hard we just had to go over and feed her once while they were down in Auburn for the weekend. The kids had a great time chasing her around their house. Kate and Sadie invented some sort of stalking game that was funny.
Sweet Sadie

Kate's favorite thing is to play with Sadie's toys. They are just like Kate toys!

Poor Sadie being attacked by Kate

And loved on by Ben

So that was a fun adventure. The other fun adventure the kids had was to spend the night at Mema and Opa's house. They called and asked if they could spend the night. OF COURSE!! Matt and I enjoyed a nice night to ourselves. It was so weird to wake up to a totally quiet house on Monday morning. I went to the gym and worked. It was great! Both the kids did awesome. It was Kate's first night away from us but she did great. I see more spend the night parties in the future!

This week is fall break and the kids and I are going to head down to visit my grandmother for the next couple of days. Ben is so excited to see his GG!!!

1 comment:

  1. awe, Sadie looks just like Simon! (who is still available! ha!) Did you see the Momma kitty died this weekend :( So sad.
    Sounds like you had a nice weekend!
