Thursday, October 7, 2010

Visiting with GG

The kids and I just got back from a fun little trip. This week is fall break which means no school or schedule! YEA!! So glad to have a break from the usual routine. On Tuesday, Ben had an eye doctor appointment in Birmingham. The appointment went great. His vision has really improved since we started using the drops. The doctor wants us to take a couple of months off and see how his vision is then. So all was well.

Since we were already halfway to LaFayette, I decided to go ahead and head on down to visit my grandmother for a few days. My grandmother is always so much fun. She adores Ben and Kate so I love for them to get to see her. Ben was so excited to go to GG's house. For 2 days all he could talk about was going to GG's! We all had a great time! Here are a few pictures from the trip...

My favorite picture! Check out my cutie in one of the Auburn Tigers at Tiger Town. On Wednesday we met up with my Aunt Lisa and did some fun things around Auburn. We ate lunch at Chick-fil-a then went to Tiger Town the outdoor mall in Auburn.
The kids played with the trains and read books at Books-a-Million
Ben and GG!
We also got some super yummy frozen yogurt at Tutti Fruitti! Ben loved his chocolate yogurt with sprinkles.
We then went to Hickory Dickory Park. This was a fun experience for me. The park opened back while I was in school at Auburn. I used to go and study there. It was funny to bring my kids back to play. A rare good picture of me and the kids.
Aunt Lisa and Kate chilling at the park.
Ben playing at the park!
Ben just loves his GG. He loved showing her his favorite book. I think they read it together 20 times while we were there.
Cute Miss Kate
I thought grandparents were horrible about spoiling grandchildren. They have nothing on great-grandparents. GG spoiled Ben rotten. She bought him the sugary cereal assortment for breakfast. Before I could stop her she had let him eat 2 boxes of Fruit Loops.

My grandmother cooks the best breakfasts. She makes homemade biscuits and all the good stuff to go with them. This is Kate enjoying her first GG breakfast. To say she loved it would be an understatement!
Ben loves to play with all the toys at GG's house. They are toys that were around when my dad was little and when I was little. It is mainly army men and Indians. He has the best time with them. It is funny to think he is the 3rd generation to play with them.
Oh my goodness. The best part of any visit with my grandmother is the strawberry pretzel salad. This is my favorite food in the world. No one makes it like Grandmama! And she always has it when I come to visit. I just about ate the whole pan myself!

We had a great time! Thanks for letting us come visit GG! We love you and can't wait to see you again soon.

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