Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Party Stuff

Here it is what you have been waiting for... all the details on the party! I tried really hard to keep the costs down which was a challenge. I made a lot of stuff and focused on making things really special. I think it all turned out super cute.

I planned the whole thing around this dress that I bought last January for Kate to wear at the party (of course I got it at a consignment store don't worry). I thought it was so cute and it was a great inspiration. So everything was pink and green. Here is the party girl ready for the fun!

So my cupcakes didn't turn out quite right. My icing was a disaster. Usually butter cream works pretty well but it just didn't have the right consistency this time. It was really gloppy. I was going to do half the cupcakes pink and half green. Ended up throwing out the homemade icing and going with store bought. So the cupcakes didn't turn out as cute. I think I have learned my lesson and will be buying all cakes from now on. But they still turned out good. I love the toppers that I got on Etsy. I made the cupcake wrappers out of scrapbook paper and I thought they looked cute with the toppers.
Kate's smash cakes was a little sad as well. Like I said nothing went quite right with the cake. Thanks Kim for the cake! It was perfect even if I didn't do it justice decorating it.
I found this awesome easy project of how to make a ribbon wreath. It was super fun and turned out so cute to be the front door decoration!
Simple table to eat at. Love the hanging flower balls. You can check out how to make them on my friend LeeAnn's blog here.
Kate's highchair! I bought a wooden highchair and painted it a fun green! I wanted something special for the party! It turned out super cute. Also got the highchair banner on Etsy. She of course had to have a special birthday bib!Made the banner out of simple scrapbook paper and ribbon. I think it turned out so cute!! Cost maybe $5 which was so much cheaper than the $40 ones on Etsy I was looking at.
I think my favorite thing was the big 12x12 picture collage I did of all of her crib pictures from each month! I loved seeing how much she has grown and changed over the year! For favors I did pictures of Kate in cute white frame from the Dollar Store. They had little tags on them that said thanks for coming to my party.
Just had to throw this one in! We got her a play cupcake set that she loved.
The food table. We had yummy "party food" as I call it - fruit kabobs, veggies and dip, cheese ball, hot bacon dip, ham rolls and pigs in a blanket. I thought the food table looked great. I made the topiary the same way as the wreath.
We had yummy strawberry limeade to drink! And water bottles. My new favorite thing to do for parties is to cut off the labels on the water bottles and tape on scrapbook paper in the party theme. It makes them so custom looking!
That is all the info on the party stuff. I think it turn out so cute and fun!! I had a blast picking it all out and creating it. Next up the actual party...


  1. Too cute!!!! I wish we were there! I love the wreath and the topiary. I need you to teach me how to make those and the banner! Happy Birthday Kate - again!!!

  2. You did an amazing job, Emily! I LOVE the ribbon wreath! I've never seen one of those- so cute! Happy Birthday to sweet Kate!

  3. SOOOO super cute Emily!! (maybe Abby's 1st birthday should be pink and green cupcakes! hahahah!!!) love all the ideas! I thinking one of those ribbons wreaths would be pretty in christmas colors too!!!
