Friday, November 19, 2010


So Kate's actual birthday party was very low key! Not much too it at all. We just ate dinner, had cake, opened presents and watched the kids play. Perfect party for a 1 year old. It was great. She loved all the attention and we had fun. Here are some pictures from the party.

Kate enjoying her dinner. Here we are singing Happy Birthday! I don't think she knew what to think. I love that Ben is holding her hand. He was worried about her grabbing the candle. Such a sweet big brother. He also blew out the candle for her.
Trying the cake. Not so sure what to think.
Maybe this isn't too bad.
Ok this is really good!
You guys have been holding back on me!
Ben enjoying a cupcake.
What was left of her cake. I ended up taking it away from her after she ate about 1/2. I figured that was enough. I think she would have ate the whole thing if we had let her.

Then it was on to opening presents. She got so many wonderful things. A great variety of books, clothes, toys and special things! Thanks to all our family for the wonderful gifts! Her favorite thing was this little piano that she got! She loves it!! She hasn't stopped playing with it.
Ben was such a good helper.

Everyone had to get their picture made with the birthday girl.
Uncle Brett and Aunt Joanna
Uncle Andrew and Aunt Kelly
Mema and Opa
Granna and Grandaddy
Our family
Poor girl was so partied out! She was exhausted and ready for bed!
It was a great first birthday!! Can't believe how fast the year went. I am now the mom of an almost 4 year old and a 1 year old!!

1 comment:

  1. Precious! We did a cupcake theme for Reagan's first and kept it low key...definitely the way to go when they are too young to understand it all!
    The color scheme and decor were so perfect! Love the story of Ben trying to dress with the theme! HA!
    The family pic really shows how tiny she is...cameras can be deceiving! Your kiddos are precious and how fast they grow blows my mind. Alex is almost 7.5 and Reagan is almost 4!
    We still talk often of having another...but we talk a lot about fostering and/or adoption, too! Only God knows right now!!!
