Thursday, November 4, 2010

Still Here!

So I miss one day of blogging and I get several emails asking if everything is ok. You all know if I miss a day then something must be going on. We are doing well. Last night and tonight as I have sat down to blog something has happened. Last night Kate started throwing up. Kate was doing so much better Tuesday. She had been off milk for a couple of days and it seemed all was back to normal. Then last night she started getting sick again. Don't know what is going on. Today she is better again. Not really sure what was going on yesterday. Hopefully it was just a fluke. Please continue to pray that she gets better and stays better. Tonight as I was sitting down to write while Matt was giving the kids baths (my usual blogging time), I hear a blood curdling scream. I run to the bathroom to see blood dripping down Ben's nose. He had fallen and busted his nose. Poor guy. And of course it is the day before our pictures for our Christmas card. So please excuse his puffy nose in your card this year.

Things have been so busy with us lately. Between my work which is busier than it has ever been and just life, I feel like the kids and I don't ever get the chance to just hang out and play. Well yesterday afternoon it was rainy and yucky and neither of them were sleepy. So for about an hour we just had a blast playing together. We played dress up, read books and just had fun. It was so much fun. It just reminded me how much I love these two little people!! I pray I never get too busy to enjoy them because I know it won't be to much longer until I will ask them to hang with me and they will be too cool for that!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Ben and Kate! I hope everything is all better tomorrow!
