Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday iPhone Picture Day

Once again I have been a slacker with the blog. No real excuse just taking a few days off. We enjoyed the first really cool weekend of the fall. Actually had to pull out the jackets and sweaters. Really nice. Friday night Matt and I got to go on a date night! YEA!! Those are few and far between these days so we enjoyed ourselves. Ate dinner out and then did some Christmas shopping. Thanks to my parents for keeping the kiddos. Ben even got to spend the night at Granna and Grandaddy's house.

Saturday was a low key kind of day. We enjoyed just being together as a family. I forgot to take my camera with me when we went out so I had to use the trusty iPhone for pictures.

Our first stop was at the Lowe Mill Art Village. If you have never been there you need to at least go and experience it. It is very interesting to say the least. I didn't know Huntsville had so many hippies is all I can say. We were looking for a Christmas gift. Didn't find exactly what we were looking for but we did enjoy the experience. Caught a cute picture of Kate and Ben on the steps. The whole time we were there Ben just kept asking to leave. I think he was a little freaked out. We enjoyed a yummy lunch at Blue Plate Cafe! Always love going there. Kate is doing well on her no milk diet. She seems to have gotten better in the last few days. We did have a funky rash appear on her face so I am worried about a food allergy but we are just going to take it a day at a time.

After lunch we went to Early Works, the children's museum in town. We have a membership and hadn't been in a long time so we went and just spent a couple hours playing which was fun. It was Kate's first time to go when she could actually play and she had a great time.
I love days where we just do fun things together! Saturday night we kept our friend Genevieve so her parents could have a date night! Ben and Genevieve had a great time sword fighting and just running through the house. They entertained themselves so it wasn't bad at all!
Uncle Andrew and Aunt Kelly also came over to visit Saturday night! They just got back from a week at Disney World. Sounds like they had a blast. We got to hear all about it and the kids got special treats! Kate got Minnie Mouse and Ben got Chip and Dale his favorite!
So a glimpse of our Saturday with some not so good iPhone pictures. It was fun! Sunday was busy with church and meetings. And now we are back at the week. It is going to be busy getting ready for some one's first birthday!!!!!

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