Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!

I love to enter contests with the hope that maybe I will win! When I was in the 6th grade I entered a contest at our local jewelry store and won $1,000 shopping spree. I am still wearing the pearls that I won (isn't that what every Southern girl in the 6th grade wants!). Since then I am a fanatic about contests. Always enter because you never know when you might win. I don't win often but sometimes I do.

I had been dying for a camera strap for my SRL camera. I have several friends with one and they are so cute. I had found a great etsy shop at Eclectic Whatnot with super cute ones. I had picked one out that I wanted for Christmas. Well last week I saw that Ruthanne was doing a giveaway on Facebook. All you had to was answer trivia questions and you would win. I entered and won! So exciting. And yesterday I opened the mailbox and my beautiful prize was there. Isn't it lovely!!!!! I am totally in love with it! So a big thanks to Eclectic Whatnot. If you guys are looking for a great gift for Christmas might want to check out her awesome stuff and put something on your list!


  1. AWESOME! I'll definitely put one of those on my Christmas list.

    Aunt Lisa

  2. SOO Cute! A camera strap is definitely on my wish list- I'll be checking out her shop! Congrats on winning :)

  3. I am pretty sure you need to give that to me for my bday. :)
