Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Craft Day

Last Thursday we had some of our friends over for a Thanksgiving craft and play day. We had 6 mommies and 10 kids ranging in age from 4 months to 5 years. It was a little busy! A special thanks to Jessica H. and her mom for coming up with all the crafts. The kids had a blast!! And all us moms enjoyed the time to visit. The kids all made some awesome crafts.

Ben who usually does not like crafts even got in on the action.
My little crafters.
We enjoyed a fun kid friendly lunch as well. It was so cute to see all the kids sitting together at the table.
Of course everyones favorite craft was the turkey cupcakes they got to make!
Kate loved her lunch and getting to sit with the big kids.
We all had so much fun we are planning on doing a craft day before most of the holidays! Can't wait!!

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