Thursday, November 25, 2010

So Blessed!

Happy Thanksgiving! I pray you all have a blessed and special day. I love Thanksgiving because it is a time to think about everything we have been blessed with. We can take the opportunity to say thanks to an Almighty God that is the giver of ALL things!! Whether it has been a year of blessings or trials I hope we can all say thank you to God for His blessings.

Yesterday I asked everyone what they were thankful for. Here is what I got...

Matt - A wonderful Savior and a growing, healthy family!
Ben - Axis and Allies (yep that is what he is thankful for so I made him say one more thing and he said his family but it was under protest. Last week at Cubbies they had to list what they were thankful for and he listed Jesus and Daddy so those are better than a game.)
Kate - BaBa and DaDa (I really asked her and that is what I got. She is thankful for Ben and Daddy. I am really starting to get a complex that no one is thankful for me!)

What great things to be thankful for! Here is my list for the year..
  • I am most thankful for Jesus Christ and the salvation He gives freely. I mess up daily but He keeps on forgiving which I don't deserve!
  • My amazing family!! I have the best husband and the 2 most awesome kids. I can't even put into words what they mean to me.
  • My extended family. I am blessed to have a great heritage of faith that has brought me to where I am today. Amazing parents, brother, grandparents, aunts and uncles! Also all the great in laws! God has truly blessed.
  • Wonderful friends! Matt and I have talked a lot about how blessed we are with the best friends both new and old. They are such a great source of encouragement to us.
  • Our jobs - Even if we have to work on holidays or stay really busy both Matt and I are so blessed. If you had asked us both 10 years ago what we wished we could do with our lives we both would have said exactly what we are doing right now. Not many people can say they are doing their "dream" jobs.
  • The opportunity to live in America. It is the land of the free. Even if things get crazy around us we still live in the best country on earth.

The list could go on and on but those are the big ones I am thankful for today! I hope I can always focus on thankfulness so that the little "crazies" of life never get the best of me. Because with a list like that how can I ever get down! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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