Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Day 2010

I skipped one day of blogging and I am already so far behind. So much has happened in the last few days. Hopefully I will get caught up quickly!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Unfortunately Matt had to work the whole week. Boooo!! That is no fun. So it wasn't as eventful or special as usual. But we are thankful he has an awesome job. For some reason they just don't close down the hospital on holidays. So the kids and I had a lazy morning. We just laid around and watched the parade and dog show. Matt got off around 1:30 which was great. We went out to his parents house and caught the end of his family celebration. All his aunts and uncles and cousins and kids gather at his parent's house each year. It is always fun to get to see everyone.
The weather was great so we enjoyed hanging outside. They live on a golf course so it is always nice to be outside.
One of Matt's cousins brought some Bean Boozled jelly beans. In the pack there are "good" jelly beans and "bad" jelly beans. You don't know what you are getting. The bad ones are really bad. Everyone was spitting them out. But Ben loved them all! He just kept eating them. It was cracking everyone up!
Kate and some of the girl cousins.
Ben loved getting to play football with the big boys!
We then went over to my parent's house to have dinner with my family. It was a great meal! Really our only meal of the day (the kids and I ate crackers for lunch and Matt at cafeteria food). We had such a good time just being together as a family. It was our first time to get to spend Thanksgiving with Kelly and Andrew in a few years so it was nice to have them back.
Kate enjoyed her first Thanksgiving meal. She loved it sort of. She is getting lots of teeth and is in a lot of pain so she isn't eating to much but she enjoyed putting the food in her mouth and spitting it out if it required chewing. Hard to believe that last Thanksgiving she was 10 days old and just home from the hospital. What a difference a year makes!!
After dinner, we enjoyed a rowdy game of spoons. I think a few fingers were broken but overall no one was too injured!
It was a great day!! So much to be thankful for.

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