Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Behold the Lamb

The holiday season can now officially begin!! Last night we got to go to the "Behold the Lamb" concert put on by Andrew Peterson and friends! It has become a yearly tradition for us. We have been 5 out of the past 6 years. It is the most amazing show you can go see at Christmas time if you ask me!

We met our friends Krissy and Steve at Chilis for dinner before the concert. They have been going with us for the past few years. Always fun to catch up with them. Hey it is just fun to be out on a date!

Then it was off to the concert. I cannot say enough about how wonderful this concert is. It has all of our favorite singers - Andrew Peterson, Jill Phillips, Andrew Osenga and Andy Gullahorn! I think over the years we have probably given just about everyone that reads this blog a copy of the CD of the music to the show! It is just amazing. I think I have the entire thing memorized but still it speaks to me each and every time! I highly recommend that you go and get the CD if you don't have it or have never heard it. It will totally rock your world!

What it is is the telling of the Christmas story from the perspective of the entire Bible. It shows how much we needed a redemptive Savior. Then how Jesus totally humbled Himself to become that redemption for us. It is just amazing!!!!!

Each year a different line of one of the songs gets me and last night it was from the song "Deliver Us." It says "Our sins they are more numerous than all the lambs we slay." It takes me back to when just to come before the Lord they had to provide an atonement for their sins. But Praise God he provided a once and for all atonement!! The musical ends up with the song "Behold the Lamb." The song says "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away our sins." How awesome!! That perfect Lamb that was provided to take away all our sins. Just amazing. Don't you want to go get a copy of the CD now. If you want to preview the CD before you buy you can listen to it here. I can't even tell you which are my favorite songs but I do love Labor of Love and Behold the Lamb of God.

It was an awesome night!!

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