Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shepherds Walk

Yesterday at Ben's school they had the annual shepherds walk. This is where all the kids dress up like shepherds and walk through the scenes of the nativity. It is so neat. I love that Ben is able to go to a preschool where they reinforce the principles that we are teaching at home. This year they have the most amazing Bible story teacher. She comes every Monday and tells a Bible story. It is Ben's absolute favorite thing about school. Every day he asks if it is Bible story day. It is allowing the Bible to come alive to him. So yesterday the story teller came and told the story as they walked through the nativity!

I was able to slip away from work and go watch the walk. It was so much fun. It was my first time to really see Ben in action at school other than just when I pick him up. They did a great job with the shepherds walk!!

My little shepherd. Doesn't he look cute!
Listening closely as the story of Jesus' birth is told (sorry I only had my camera phone so the pictures are a little blurry).
Ben sitting on the front row engrossed in the story. He sat so still and soaked in every word.
All the shepherds worshiping baby Jesus.
My little guy praying!
Such a great way to reinforce the true meaning of Christmas. If any of you parents out there are looking for some ways to teach the true meaning of Christmas, my friend Lisa wrote a great article about this. You can check it out here. She has some great ideas. And yes the friend with the son who brought the superheros to the manger is us! Will never forget Batman saving baby Jesus last year! Today I walked in and Superman, Spiderman, 3 Batmans, Krypto and Green Lantern were all surrounding Jesus. He was one safe baby!!!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the Shepherd's Walk too-it was amazing to watch the children in "character" and to see how they participated when they acted out the story. (I still have an army man in my manger scene--not sure how many years it has been there but it goes out every year, right along with the shepherds and wise men.)
